Welcome to the Office of Space Utilization and Analysis

The mission of the Space Utilization and Analysis is:

  • To provide the University community and the Board of Governors with accurate current data relating to the University’s inventory of space.

  • To review requests for use of University space and, if approved, ensure that liability for that use resides with the appropriate party.

  • To ensure that temporary campus signage conforms to all established University standard(s).

  • To manage the Leasing of space and the granting of Easements for the University.

Most importantly, to accomplish the above in an efficient, professional and pleasant manner.


Please note:  A new Facilities Use Application is now in effect for facilities use.  Please contact  Corina Mavrodin, 561-297-0541, if you have any questions regarding the use of the form.

Temporary Sign Info: To post temporary signs on the Boca Raton campus, please review the University policies for  Campus Signage  and  Distribution of Printed Material   for information about procedures. Use the  Temporary Sign Application  to request posting of signage.

Placement of advertising signs  - NEW

There were identified 21 locations in the core of the campus for advertising signs . Please use this  map for identifying the locations and the  application for submitting your request. Note that the signs will be placed and removed by our crew and will be allowed only one per location

Guidelines for Animals at Events on FAU property

The outline below is to be followed when bringing animals on campus for events.

Florida Atlantic University department/student groups through their Advisor are responsible of gathering the following information:

  1. Facilities Use Application - completed with all the information. Student groups will need to obtain Advisor signature.
  2. Contact information for a licensed Veterinarian that will provide the documents listed on #3 below
  3. Documentation for all the animals, listing the following regarding the animals:
    • Vaccinations
    • De-worming and other prophylactic treatments
    • Any health-related treatments, if applicable
    • A statement that the animals were free of communicable diseases at the time of exam
    • What animals will be brought and how many
    • Name of animals if applicable
    • The documents should not be  older than 4 weeks
  4. A statement from the event organizer including:
    • Acknowledgement that hand sanitizer will be available before and after touching the animals.
    • Confirmation that pet waste will be cleaned and properly disposed in trash receptacles.
    • Vendor’s staff attendants will be present with the animals at all times.
  5. Certificate of Liability Insurance from the vendor, denoting the following language for endorsement:
          “The Florida Atlantic University Board of Trustees, the Florida Board of Governors, the State of Florida and the their respective officers, agents, volunteers and employees are listed as Additional Insured under this commercial general liability policy.” 

Submit all the documentation above to animal_events@51jiyangshi.com at least 2 weeks prior to the event. Submittals with partial information will not be considered or processed.